marți, 31 ianuarie 2012

Ce mai facem noi

Ma pun greu pe scris.
Cei doi A ai nostri cresc frumos, armonios si ne pun la incercare la fiecare pas.
Spalatul de seara este acum momentut de dezbatut si discutat. Cu dulciurile nu mai avem asa multe conflicte, cate unul de doua ori pe zi si gata.
Avem pat suprapus care a devenit locul de joaca cel mai indragit. Catararea se face din toate directiile. "Eu si cu tata am construit patul asta" zice Ada mandra fiecaruia care o intreaba :-)

luni, 30 ianuarie 2012

Soundless Poem

Some things never change.
As ever.
Then again
Two fluid glowing spheres longing insanely one for each other
Bound strongly – yes – each one to the other.
Bound strongly like hell each one to another.
Power was in the air, magic
Desire was screaming in the air - in another space
that would leave the sound painfully dumb.
And only the pain was felt
The scream would reach them
Only through the pain of the soundlessly screaming desire
remained in the state of
and again desire.
The power of the oath unbreakable
Unspoken words
Unarticulated feelings - just felt
through each vein
each cell
in the other space in the other dimension.
I would like to live two lives
The power of choice, of conscious choice
The guts missed long ago
never for sure
And though so strong exhaustively sensed
as if it was real.
Some things never change
As ever